Over 50 Years Experience Installing High-Quality Products
Leading Electricians From Wakefield, Massachusetts
Cardoso Electrical Services crews are composed of several types of electricians, each with specific capabilities and authority. It’s important that work is overseen and inspected by trained electricians who are qualified to check for hazards. Electrical systems today are more complex than ever before, which is why it is extremely important to make sure whoever works on your electrical problems be well trained & qualified for the specific job, Cardoso Electricians are just that.
Cardoso electricians start at the bottom of the totem pole is an apprentice which lasts about four years, while they learn electrical theory and electrical building codes. Journeyman Electricians are trained in all areas of electrical construction, installation and maintenance. A Journeyman can do the majority of electrical work, but cannot design any electrical makeup on their own. After one year as a Journeyman, Cardoso Electrical will have trained our electricians in planning and layouts to become Master Electricians.

Cardoso’s Master Electricians are in charge on-site and oversee the apprentices and journeyman while they work and perform quality checks once the work is completed. The Master electrician has final say in the layout, estimation, and design of the electrical installations. Currently, Cardoso Electrical has one Master Electrician leading the charge and overseeing all electricians on staff. Cardoso Electrical Services assures quality training of electricians who can be cross-trained in many different fields of electrical installation such as Inside Wireman, VDV Installer Technician or Residential Wireman.
–Inside Wireman work indoors and specialize in installing power, lighting, and controls in commercial and industrial buildings.
–Residential Wireman specialize in the same job Inside Wireman, however they perform it specifically in homes, multi-unit apartments or other residential quarters.
–VDV Technicians specialize in installing circuit and low voltage systems that power TVs and stereos.
Cardoso Electricity encourages homeowners and business owners to make an informed decision before hiring any old electrician. We only hire qualified and licensed professionals and do all of our training in house.