The warm Spring weather is going to turn into hot summer weather in just a few weeks! Keeping your home or apartment cool can be trouble-some and cost lots of money. Ceiling fans are a great way to reduce your energy bills this spring and summer as well as a great style addition to any room. The technological advances on fans has proven to lower your bills and keep you cooler in the summer and even warmer in the winter!
A ceiling fan will not actually reduce the temperature of a room but they will recirculate the air making that 85 degree room feel like 78! Cardoso Electrical Services installs both ceiling fans and attic fans to help keep you cool and save you that extra buck.
When buying a ceiling fan here are some things to consider:
- Size, find the proper size fan for the right room!
- Motor, you want a motor that is quiet and doesn’t have to use too much energy
- Blades, a great way to incorporate style to the fan but also need to be efficient
- Lighting, fans with or without lights are available
- Controls, fans today have many features, more than just the chain string
- Price
Questions? Contact us!
Cardoso Electrical Services, License No.: #A18196
414 Lowell Street, Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: (781) 246-7700 Fax: (781) 245-7200