How Long Does Food Last In The Fridge When The Power Goes Out?
Uh oh, the power is out, and the refrigerator no longer has power. If you don’t have a good emergency electrician who can come out

How Can My Business Decrease Our Electricity Bill
Owning a small business often means looking for every advantage you can get to make sure ends meet. Many small business owners often have to

What To Do If Your Home Has A Power Outage
It is officially spring which means warmer weather is on the way. However, with the warmer weather also comes a fair share of storms. Here
Why Are My Appliances Tripping The Breaker
Have you ever turned on the vacuum cleaner or the air conditioner and noticed your lights dim even momentarily? Or has your power fully gone
Why Older Homes Should Get Electrical Inspections
If you own an older home or plan on purchasing an older home, it cannot be understated how important an electrical inspection can be for
Signs That You Have Bad Wiring In a House
If you live in an older home, apartment, or have an older property for your business, you may start to notice signs that you have