Electrical Safety Tips to be Aware of this Summer

outdoor transformer

Electrical Safety Tips to be Aware of this Summer


Summer Electrical Safety Tips

As the summer rolls around  more and more people go outside to enjoy the beautiful weather, this also means they use electrical equipment much longer and bring it outside. There are more barbecues, night time patio events, and electrical support, whether it be for led lighting or just patio ambiance. Below are some tips to keep your family away from any danger this summer. 

Stay Away from Power Lines

 When making plans for any outdoor events, there are tips we should take into consideration to ensure we are using safety protocols for any projects going on. The first is to keep a safe distance away from electricity. Why is this pertinent? We have to remember the rules of electricity and remember that electricity can jump.  We have to always assume that electricity will harm you at all times even if it isn’t, assume that it will. With this being said, it goes without saying to not touch the wires, or put yourself on a path of the electricity by touching it with something else. By doing so you risk electrocuting yourself, which can be fatal. If you or someone you know has touched a power line, it is important to call 911 right away . Attempting to save or rescue them can cause injury to you as well.

Downed Power Lines

If you notice any downed power lines do not approach it for any reason, let your local electrical utility company know right away. Power lines are not to be joked with, do not put any shoes over lines for any reason, you are risking getting injured.

Be cautious of Water

Water and electricity do not mix, if you have pools,  Jacuzzi, or hot tub nearby make sure all of your electrical lines are fully grounded. This does not only go for outdoor water equipment, but indoor as well like washing machines, dryers, and air conditioners.Ensure they are all plugged into grounded outlets. If you, or a family member are not sure if your wires are secure, be sure to contact a Cardoso electrician specialist to learn more about GFCI to make sure you and your family are safe.

Cardoso Electrical  wants you and your family to stay safe this summer. Be sure to take caution for any hazards when using equipment outside.

If you have any doubts and would like to speak to an Electrical Specialist about securing your home contact Cardoso Electrical at 781-246-7700 or visit us online at https://bwmsites.com/cardosonew/