The Temperature Increasing Doesn’t Mean your Energy Bill has to

The Temperature Increasing Doesn’t Mean your Energy Bill has to

The summer in New England  is a very unpredictable season, but what we all predict when June comes upon us is; an increased electric bill. However just because the temperature increases does not mean that your electric bill has to as well. There are a lot of easy things that you can do to keep your energy costs down and your pockets full. Here are some energy saving tips to keep your energy costs and the temperature in your house down.

1. If no one is there, make it a sauna: When there is no one in your home then there is no reason that the house should be ice cold. By turning up your thermostat when you are out of the house you will save a lot of money because your AC unit or Central air will not be constantly running, that way you are not wasting energy on keeping an empty space cool. If you were to try this for even one month the difference in your energy bill compared to others would be astounding.

2.Investing in energy-smart appliances is really worth your while.They use technology geared to use as little energy as possible to achieve whatever your task is. Some smart-energy appliances sold are washer/dryers, refrigerators, and AC units.  Not only do they use less power, but it is also possible to get a tax break for installing them in your home.

3.Cleaning out your air conditioner air filters at once a month can save you a ton of money. The longer you go without cleaning your air filter the more dust and fuzz builds up. When the air filter is blocked it cannot cool your home as easily, so the air conditioner has to use much more energy than usual to keep the area cool.

4. Make sure that your house has no cracks or leaks in the area that you are using a cooling system. If your home is not sealed properly than the cool air could be escaping and the unit will need to use more energy to keep the house at the desired temperature. Any small holes or cracks you may find caulk or insulator. For bigger holes a professional might need to be called in to make sure the hole is properly patched up.

5.  Buying power strips not only saves space and allows you to plug in more devices to any given wall outlet, but they can save you energy too with the right management. Even when you are not using a device but it is still plugged in, it uses a lot more energy than you would think. By plugging 5 or 6 devices into one strip and then shutting off the strip when you leave or when you aren’t using it can save a lot of money.

6.When you use your oven it heats up the room and forces your air conditioning device to go into overdrive to cool the room down. By grilling or cooking outside you save money, you get to be outside in the sun, and it gives you an excuse to have a barbecue. so it is a win-win-win situation.

So remember managing energy usage, especially when no one is in your home is something simple that few people do, but cuts down on energy costs more than you can imagine & investing in smart-energy devices saves you money in the long-run.


Questions? Contact us!

Cardoso Electrical Services, License No.: #A18196

414 Lowell Street, Wakefield, MA 01880

Phone: (781) 246-7700 Fax: (781) 245-7200

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