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Hazardous Waste Removal

According to the Environmental Protection Agency Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are leftover products that contain corrosive toxic and ignitable ingredients. Improper disposal can include pouring them down the drain, onto the ground, or even into sewers. This can pollute the environment and pose a threat to health. Let our trained staff identify what you have and dispose of it properly.


Its so easy to toss that AAA into the trash when your remote dies.

When you replace that old smoke detector its not your first thought to remove the battery before you toss it in the trash. That old flip phone you found in the back of the drawer has a battery too and it needs to be recycled.  While 100% of batteries are recyclable 97% end up in landfills each year.  In a landfill the chemicals inside a battery can leach from their casing and pollute land and water with heavy metals that are toxic to life. Together with All Day Junk Removal you can do your part to ensure the batteries you use get recycled.

Fluorescent Light Bulbs

With the rise of new lighting technology Fluorescent Bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s) are one of the most common improperly disposed items. Often they are broken exposing unsafe gases to the environment. In 2006 Massachusetts enacted the Mercury Management Act (MMA) with specific regulations and policies on how to recycle and dispose of these types of materials. All Day Junk Removal takes extra steps when recycling these items to ensure that the mercury in the bulbs is captured and recovered. We are also listed with the NH Dept. of Environmental Services as a vendor for recycling hazardous materials such as these and others.

Oil & Chemicals


Most of us have old oil or chemicals lying around the house. The question is what do we do with it. Used oil can be re-refined into lubricants, processed into fuel oils, and used as raw materials. Used oil filters contain reusable scrap metal, which steel producers can use as scrap feed. Oils is a precious commodity on our planet and All Day Junk Removal wants to make sure each and every drop goes to the right place


It’s mind boggling to think about the number of tires on the road today let alone the old ones. What even happens to old tires after they’ve served their purpose? If thy can not be re-purposed they are disassembled and the rubber, steel, and other materials are melted down. They can become a new belt for your car or sometimes even used in pavement you drive on.


Cleaning out the basement and you come across that horrible old paint the old owner decided to use in the kitchen. your certainly not going to reuse it, right? All Day Junk Removal can remove it and re purpose or recycle it.  While some will be processed before being thrown out, other paints can be mixed with others to create a large batch of a new color.

Tires & Paint

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