Let’s Focus on the Finer Details: Choices and Documentation

Filing Papers


At Doing It Right Roofing Siding Remodeling I reinforce into every facet of our business the same thing every day — details, details, details. Last blog I touched on some of those details to help homeowners weed through the contractors to make the right choice. This blog will continue that trend to assist the homeowners with the out of the ordinary items.


The Company You Choose to Perform the Work

We are all always looking for the best price to obtain the things we need. Unfortunately sometimes we overlook what that cost actually will reflect and put the blinders on basing our decision solely on cost alone. We should also consider the following:

  • It’s important to compare apples to apples, not oranges.Is all of the information I need to ensure a proper roof installation in my bid? In the age of computers, finding what you should have and not when a roof is to be installed is right at your fingertips. Deferring to the manufacturer and their website will eliminate any second guessing.
  • Can I be sure that the contractor that performed the installation will be there when I need them in case a problem does occur? Getting a warranty of more than a year or twomakes more sense and protects you in the long run.
  • When paying a deposit read between the lines.Most companies who do short-term projects such as roof installation should be able to incur the cost of the labor and material for over a few-day period. This term will separate the stronger companies from the weaker ones. You should be sure that nothing will ever get in your way when the installation of your roof is going on. Financial issues should scare you off.

Was All Documentation Available and True?

  • Without being registered in the State of Pennsylvania database with the Attorney General’s officea contractor installing roofs is not permitted to do such installations. Furthermore, if their registration number is not on their documentation they are hiding something.
  • If your contract proposal is no more than one or two pages long, then question the lack of information. There is so much to specify in a roof installation other than “ tear off the old shingles & replace them with new ones “. It amazes me how many people sign those kinds of contracts and then complain how they got taken. Be sure you have everything spelled out in length.

Insurance certificates should be presented to you for review. Although insurance varies and coverages can be misleading always get your name as an additional insured for your protection. No one should have a problem with this. If they do then something is being hidden.

Depend on us for honest and reliable roofing, siding, and remodeling advice. We proudly serve the Greater Pittsburgh area. Contact us and schedule a free consultation.

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