Monday-Thursday: 8AM-5PM

Same-Day Crowns

Is Your Tooth Ready for its Coronation?

Get your porcelain crown placed with our new E4D system in Portland, ME Going to the dentist isn't the most fun activity, especially when you need a crown. However, the process of placing porcelain restorations has significantly improved. We want the best for you, so we use the latest technology.

The E4D system is clinically proven to create aesthetically-pleasing and sturdy porcelain restorations, such as:

Impressions aren't needed anymore, which means you don't have to deal with having uncomfortable materials in your mouth.

dentist portland me
dentist portland me
dentist portland me

Also, you won't have to wait for a lab to make your crown. The specifications for your crown are determined by you and your dentist. In just a few minutes, laser scanning technology precisely captures the details of your tooth. It's as safe as a grocery store check-out scanner.
Contact us right away to learn more.

Save time by choosing the E4D system

Usually, porcelain restoration for one tooth takes two visits to your family dentist. In between those trips, you have to wear a temporary crown for several weeks. The E4D eliminates multiple trips and temporaries.

With the E4D, we effectively:
•Scan your tooth in one visit
•Design the final product virtually
•Mill your metal-free restoration

dentist portland me
dentist portland me

We value your comfort, time and convenience.

Avoid toothaches and discomfort by scheduling an appointment in Portland today for same-day crowns.

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