Types of Periodontal Disease


Types of Periodontal Disease

Did you know that over 64,000,000 Americans are currently suffering from periodontal disease? Periodontal disease (also commonly referred to as gum disease or periodontitis) is an extremely common disease that affects the gums and supporting tissues of the mouth, including the underlying jawbone.

Periodontal disease begins when plaque begin to produce toxins, attacking the soft (gum) tissue surrounding the teeth. As the bacteria embeds itself into the gum tissue, it rapidly breeds, resulting in a bacterial infection. As the condition is neglected, it continues to burrow deeper into the gum tissue, resulting in irritation, inflammation, and damage to the area. The body eventually begins to destroy the infected tissue, resulting in gum pockets and receding gum lines. Eventually, teeth will become loose, start to shift and may even fall out. In fact, periodontal gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults around the developed world.


Gingivitis is actually the first (and only curable) stage of periodontal gum disease. Gingivitis can often be reversed with proper at-home dental care and routine visits to the dentist for professional care. Signs typically include bleeding gums, tender gums, and inflamed gums.

Chronic Periodontal Disease

Once periodontal disease has advanced, it is no longer curable and must be managed with proper at-home and professional care. During chronic periodontal disease, inflammation and damage begin to occur below the gum line, destroying the supporting structures that hold teeth in place. Treatment usually involves deep cleanings (scaling and root planing) along with antibiotic treatment and even pocket reduction surgery.

Aggressive Periodontal Disease

Aggressive periodontal disease is basically chronic periodontal disease, except the condition progresses much quicker. Those with a family history of periodontal disease and smokers are most likely to experience aggressive periodontitis. Treatment often involves surgical intervention along with routine, periodontal maintenance.

Necrotizing Periodontal Disease

Necrotizing periodontal disease involves tissue death within the mouth. Necrotizing periodontal disease is actually very rare and is often found in people with immunocompromised conditions. Treatment can range heavily, and a specialist is usually recommended.

Schedule Periodontal Treatment Today

Contact the Center for Adult Dental Care today to schedule your periodontal treatment in Burlington or Chelmsford, MA.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

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