Dental Implants

Burlington Center Dental Associates

General Dentistry & Implant Dentistry located in Burlington, MA

If you feel self-conscious about your smile due to a missing tooth, a dental implant may be the best solution. At Burlington Center Dental Associates in Burlington, Massachusetts, Farid Awad, DDS, can help you restore your smile and improve your oral health with dental implants. To see if your a candidate for a dental implant, make an appointment by calling the office or requesting one online today.

Dental Implants Q & A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are an effective and efficient treatment option for those who need to replace a missing tooth. A dental implant is composed of a small titanium post that acts like the root of your missing tooth.

After a consultation, your dentist may recommend a dental implant. During this minor surgical procedure, the dental implant is inserted directly into your jawbone. Next, the implant is allowed to fuse to your jawbone over the course of several months. This healing process is vital to ensure that the dental implant has a strong foundation for the permanent crown or alternative prosthetic tooth replacement.

Then, the crown is created to match the color and size of the rest of your surrounding teeth, which is then attached to the dental implant.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options. They are created to look like natural teeth and avoid calling unwanted attention to your smile.

Furthermore, they offer additional functionality for activities like speaking, biting, or chewing, which can help prevent your remaining natural teeth from sustaining unnecessary wear and tear as they compensate for your missing teeth.

Dental implants also improve your oral health. Missing teeth can cause surrounding teeth to shift and become misaligned. The missing tooth root may also cause the jawbone to shrink. This change in the alignment of the teeth and jaw structure can cause noticeable changes to your smile. However, dental implants can help avoid these issues entirely.

How do I care for a dental implant at home?

Once the dental implant has been placed, it can be treated similarly to your natural teeth. Good oral hygiene is crucial to maintaining the dental implant and ensuring its longevity. Poor oral hygiene can lead to various complications, such as infections, that may damage the implant and render it ineffective.

You should brush and floss your implant daily and attend your regular teeth cleanings at Burlington Center Dental Associates to help extend the longevity of your dental implant.

To see if a dental implant is the right option for you, make an appointment at Burlington Center Dental Associates by calling their office or using the online booking tool today.


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