Fillings Specialist

Varinos Dental Associates

Cosmetic, Implant, and General Dentists located in Newburyport, Peabody, & Winthrop, MA

If you have a cavity or weakened tooth, you might think your only treatment option is a traditional amalgam filling. However, thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry, that’s far from the case. Frank Varinos, DDS, Jemin Kim, DMD, and the team at Varinos Dental Associates of Newburyport in Newburyport, Peabody, Haverhill, and Winthrop, Massachusetts, proudly offer composite fillings to patients of all ages. Book your consultation today by calling your nearest office or clicking the online booking tool.

Fillings Q & A

What is a composite dental filling?

dental fillingA dental filling is a type of restoration used to return a damaged or decaying tooth to its original size, strength, and function. 

Before applying a filling, your Varinos Dental Associates provider removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and applies a composite resin to the top of your tooth to prevent further damage.

By sealing off the areas of your tooth where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay, preserving your permanent tooth. 

The team at Varinos Dental Associates uses composite fillings that come in hundreds of colors, ensuring your restoration matches your natural surrounding teeth.


What are the advantages of composite fillings?

Composite fillings provide a safe, effective, and long-lasting means of restoring damaged or decayed teeth. They also come with a number of benefits, including:

  • Excellent durability
  • Resistance to fractures
  • Ability to withstand chewing pressure
  • Versatile color options


Composite fillings also help support the structure of your permanent tooth, insulating it from extreme temperatures and other damage.


What types of issues can composite fillings address?

At Varinos Dental Associates of Newburyport, the team regularly uses composite fillings to improve the appearance and strength of:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Decayed teeth


If you have gaps or spaces between your teeth, you might also benefit from a composite filling.


How do I know if I need a composite filling?

The only way to determine if you need a filling is to make an appointment with a trusted dentist like those at Varinos Dental Associates of Newburyport.

During your initial consultation, your dentist uses a small hand-held mirror to view the surface of each tooth. If anything looks abnormal, your dentist uses special tools to check for decay. They might also order X-rays to get a closer look at your jawbones and tooth roots.

Depending on what your dentist finds, they could recommend a filling or another type of dental restoration. 


How long do composite dental fillings last?

Dental fillings are tough and durable, but they won’t last forever. If you brush and floss regularly, and visit the dentist once every six months for a professional exam and cleaning, your fillings can last 10-15 years.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of composite fillings, make an appointment at Varinos Dental Associates of Newburyport by calling the office nearest you or clicking the online booking tool today.