Implant Supported Dentures Specialist

Varinos Dental Associates

Cosmetic, Implant, and General Dentists located in Newburyport, Peabody, & Winthrop, MA

If you’re considering getting dentures to restore your smile, dental implants can give you a more comfortable and healthy method for keeping your prosthetic attached to your smile. Frank Varinos, DMD, Jemin Kim, DMD, and the team of professionals at Varinos Dental Associates offer implant-supported dentures for patients looking to take their smile to the next level. To learn more, schedule a consultation at one of their four conveniently located clinics in Peabody, Newburyport, Winthrop, and Haverhill, Massachusetts. You can book your visit by phone or online.

Implant Supported Dentures Q & A

What are dental implants?

dental implants

A dental implant is a tiny titanium post that your dentist surgically embeds in your jawbone. It functions as an artificial tooth root. 

Because titanium is biocompatible, your implants fuse with the bone tissue in your jaw as you heal from your surgery, providing a very strong and sturdy foundation for a restoration like a crown, bridge, or implant-supported dentures.


What are implant-supported dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are dentures that connect to your mouth with dental implants. Traditional dentures attach over your gums with suction or adhesive, but implant-supported dentures are actually rooted in your mouth and securely connected to your jawbone.


What are the benefits of implant-supported dentures?

As a more technologically advanced system of tooth replacement, implant-supported dentures have a few significant advantages over traditional dentures.

Implant-supported dentures provide your jawbone with healthy stimulation, which helps to prevent the bone loss that frequently develops in denture patients.

The bone in your jaw is living tissue that’s in a constant cycle of regeneration, and when it’s not properly stimulated, it begins to deteriorate or resorb. Because implant-supported dentures are connected directly to your jawbone, your bone tissue stays strong and healthy.

Implant-supported dentures are also more comfortable than traditional dentures. Because they connect to your jawbone, they’re more secure and more like the structures of your natural teeth.


What’s involved in getting implant-supported dentures?

First, your dentist takes an X-ray of your mouth to determine if you have enough healthy bone tissue to support dental implants. If your jawbone isn’t strong or full enough, you will need a bone graft before you can move forward with your implants.

If you have sufficient bone tissue, your dentist makes small incisions in your gums, drills tiny holes in your jaw, and places the implants in the holes. Over the next few months, your implants fuse with your bone tissue as you heal from the surgery.

Once your implants are fully healed, your dentist attaches an abutment, a tiny post that connects to your implant, sticks up out of your gums, and holds your dentures in place. 

Your dentist takes an impression of your smile with your abutments and sends it to a lab that custom-builds your dentures so that they will fit perfectly in your mouth.

When your dentures come back from the lab, your dentist connects them to your abutments and sends you on your way with a beautifully healthy and restored new smile.

Get started with your implant-supported dentures today by calling the offices of Varinos Dental Associates today or booking a visit online.