Dental Bridges


Dental Bridges in Burlington, MA

Does your missing teeth give you lowered self esteem? Do you find yourself hiding your smile in photos or when speaking? Along with confidence issues, missing teeth can cause damage to your smile as a whole. They lead to shifting surrounding teeth which ultimately affect the structure of your smile as a whole. However, our expert team at Center for Adult Dental Care offer a wide range of practical treatments that can transform your smile and bring back your confidence.

Dental bridges are frequently used to replace missing teeth for patients in the Burlington area. What are dental bridges and when are they used? Keep reading on to learn if dental bridges are an ideal option for your smile.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges replace the gap left by one or more missing teeth in a smile. A couple dental crowns compile one bridge and are fused together to look like a natural row of teeth. The surrounding teeth are commonly referred to as abutment teeth and are the anchor teeth for the dental bridge. The false teeth that will be attached to the bridge can be made out of several different types of materials including gold, alloys, or porcelain.

Why Choose Dental Bridges For Your Smile?

Dental bridges bring a large array of benefits to smiles, including the following:

  • Restore your smile
  • Allow you to once again speak and chew properly
  • Maintain the proper shape of your face
  • Prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting out of place
  • Maintain the proper bite by distributing the weight

What Is Involved In Receiving A Dental Bridge?

Initially, your dentist will focus on preparing the abutment teeth for the dental bridge. This involves removing a small layer of the tooth’s enamel in order to allow the bridge to properly fit. Impressions are then made and sent to a lab to be complete. A temporary bridge will be made to protect the abutment teeth while the final restoration is being made.

Contact our Center for Adult Dental Care team today to set up your next appointment and achieve a healthy new smile.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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