

Invisalign® in Burlington, MA

At Center for Adult Dental Care in Burlington, we are proud to offer the Invisalign® System.Invisalign® clear aligners give you an awesome new smile with straighter teeth without brackets, without wires, and without a mouth full of metal. Invisalign® clear aligners are the premier clear aligner system for re-alignment of crooked teeth, malocclusion, and crowded teeth. Transparent, comfortable and easy to care for, Invisalign® clear aligners give you a smile you’ve been waiting for.

Getting your Invisalign® clear aligners starts with a visit to Center for Adult Dental Care in Burlington, MA. Invisalign® uses a special scanner to make a digital map of your teeth that’s then digitally compared to millions of other teeth. This process takes the best outcomes of millions of procedures and allows your orthodontist to make a treatment plan for your unique needs. Invisalign®aligners are custom-made to give you the best alignment ever. After your Invisalign® clear aligners are made, your dentist will trial fit and fine-tune them.

You can get Invisalign® for these conditions:

  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Gaps
  • Open bite

Invisalign®clear aligners must be worn at least 22 out of every 24 hours each day. Take them out when you drink dark colored beverages including tea, colas, coffee, and red wine. Remove them when you brush and floss and run warm water over them to dislodge food particles.

Each set of retainers is worn for two weeks.

Remember to do the following when wearing your Invisalign clear aligners:

  • Use your carrying case. Keep your aligners in them at all times you’re not wearing them.
  • Rinse your retainers in warm water before placing them in their carrying case
  • Keep them away from heat. Madeof SmartTrack, a patented material, Invisalign®aligners are durable and comfortable, but may warp if played close to a heat source or in direct sunlight. Lengthy exposure to too much heat will deform them, preventing them from working correctly.
  • Brush and floss every day. Brush before placing your Invisalign® clear retainers back in your mouth.

At Center for Adult Dental Care in Burlington, we think you’ll love Invisalign® clear aligners! They’re unmatched for comfort and appearance while delivering the great straight smile you deserve.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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