Root Amputation


Root Amputation in Burlington, MA

Have you been diagnosed with a damaged, infected or even decayed tooth root? Have you undergone a root canal without success? At the Center for Adult Dental Care, we are dedicated to protecting and preserving our patient’s smiles, which is why we offer root amputation in Chelmsford and Burlington, MA. Not quite sure if root amputation is right for you? Feel free to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to evaluate your affected tooth and overall oral health to determine if you are a candidate.

About Root Amputation

Root amputation is a specialized endodontic treatment where your dentist removes a root from a multi-root tooth. Following the removal of the root, the tooth is stabilized and rendered fully function utilizing a restoration such as a crown, inlay, onlay or even filling.

Root amputation may be recommended to save a decayed, damaged or even diseased tooth from undergoing an extraction. When it comes to teeth, there is nothing better than your real, natural ones. Although teeth can be replaced, root amputation is a safer, healthier, more effective and even more cost-effective option.

Why Root Amputation?

As mentioned above, keeping the natural teeth in your smile is always a better option than extracting and replacing them. By receiving a root amputation, the patient can save time, money and even pain later on. Tooth extractions and treatments to replace teeth can often be invasive and costly.

Getting Root Amputation

Prior to receiving a root amputation, a root canal must first be performed on the affected tooth. During the root amputation treatment, a small incision is made in the gums in order to fully expose the affected tooth roots. Next, your dentist will section off the root from the rest of the tooth and then remove it. Next, the entire area will be cleaned, and the area will be sealed with stitches.

A temporary dental crown will then be placed on the affected tooth. After about a week, the area will heal, and the stitches will be removed. A permanent restoration will be recommended in order to ensure the health, function, and strength of your tooth.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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