Diagnosing Periodontal Disease


Diagnosing Periodontal Disease in Burlington, MA

Have you recently been experiencing bleeding when you brush or floss? Can’t seem to kick your bad breath? Notice your gums appear to be receding? Are pockets forming around your teeth? You may be suffering from a very common condition known as periodontal “gum” disease. In fact, over 64 million Americans are suffering from the condition right now. While many people have heard of gum disease, they do little to prevent it from occurring. When it comes to periodontal disease, it can be completely avoided with proper at-home and professional dental care. If you are worried that you or a loved one may be suffering from periodontal disease, don’t hesitate to contact the Center for Adult Dental Care, we would be happy to provide a periodontal examination in Chelmsford or Burlington, MA.

During your periodontal examination, a periodontal probe will be used to gently measure the space between the teeth and gums. Healthy pockets around the teeth are measured at three millimeters or less and do not bleed. By using a periodontal probe, we can determine if the pockets around your teeth are deeper than three millimeters.


Gingivitis is the first and only curable stage of periodontal disease. During the gingivitis stage, tender, inflamed and bleeding gums are quite common. However, other signs typically are not present, making it difficult for patients to diagnose on their own.


As the condition advances into periodontitis, the gums become even more irritated, inflamed and infected. Patients will typically start to notice the gums appear to be receding and pockets are forming around the teeth. At this point, teeth may appear to be loose or even shifting.

Advanced Periodontal Disease

Advanced periodontal disease is characterized by irreversible damage to the gums, bone and other supporting structures in the mouth. Teeth will begin to become loose and start to shift in the mouth, making dental care even more difficult. Eventually, advanced periodontal disease leads to tooth loss and bone demineralization.

Visit Our Periodontist Today

Think you may be suffering from periodontal gum disease? Contact the Center for Adult Dental Care today. We would be happy to get you on the schedule for a periodontal examination.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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