Root Canals


Root Canals in Burlington, MA

A root canal is a tiny pathway that branches out from underneath the tooth crown, flowing down to the tip of the root. Many tooth infections spread to the inner chamber that contains all the blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues. If an infection worsens, it can affect the root. Dental trauma can also damage the pulp and lead to similar problems.

Signs of a Tooth Infection

Beginning signs of a diseased tooth includes pain and sensitivity. As the inner infection spreads an abscess will eventually form.

The pulp, or inner soft tissue, is located in the center of the tooth. This area where the pulp is housed is called the pulp chamber.  It is linked to the root through the canals, thus the term root canals. Within these canals, blood vessels carry nourishment to the tooth. If the soft tissue gets infected, the condition can become very serious if left untreated. Root canal therapy in Burlington should take place before an infection reaches an advanced stage.

Root Canal Treatment in Burlington

A root canal is not the medical term for the procedure; it is just the tubes that connect the root to the pulp chamber. The correct term your Burlington dentist uses is a pulpectomy.  This endodontic surgery performed at the Center for Adult Dental Care is an effective cure for an infected root canal. When your dentist in Burlington performs a pulpectomy, the inner tooth is disinfected and packed with filling material, stopping the damage and ending pain.

Some common symptoms that you may need a root canal in Burlington include:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot and coldfoods
  • Pain or throbbing when you try to bite or chew
  • Traumatic injury or severe tooth decay that leads to the formation of an abscess in the bone

Root canal treatment at the Center for Adult Dental Care offers a high success rate. The tried and true endodontic procedure removes the diseased soft tissue, ends the spread of infection, and saves the healthy portion of the tooth. Prior to the development and wide use of pulpectomy, the only option for treating an inner tooth infection was extraction.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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