Dental Inlays & Onlays


Dental Inlays & Onlays in Burlington, MA

If you believe that you need to have a dental crown, you may want to check with your dentist first to learn whether or not a dental inlay or onlay can be used as a substitute. As a premier family dentist in Burlington, MA we’ve helped countless patients discover this alternative form of restorative treatment for their dental needs.

What Makes an Inlay or an Onlay a Preferred Treatment to a Dental Crown

Simple stated an inlay or an onlay procedure is less extensive than a dental crown. While it’s true that inlays and onlays require more work than a dental filling, the fact that they are more cost-effective for patients than a crown often makes them a winning choice. Also, less tooth material is removed during an inlay or an onlay procedure than a traditional crown procedure which makes them a more conservative treatment alternative.

Minimal Pain Involved in Inlay and Onlay Treatment

We’ve found that most patients are able to resume their normal activities after an inlay or onlay procedure since there is minimal pain involved in treatment and it can be managed with local anesthesia. Any residual pain can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medications.

Another Benefit to Inlays and Onlays

As mentioned, dental inlays and onlays are used on teeth that have too much damage to benefit from a traditional filling. But an added benefit over a traditional filling is that inlays and onlays are comprised of materials that are much stronger than those used in fillings. With proper care, an inlay or onlay can last for up to 30 years or longer.

A Consultation Comes First

Before it can be determined whether or not you’re a good candidate for a dental inlay or onlay, your dentist will need to examine your tooth to determine whether it can be repaired using this process or if it’s too damaged and needs more extensive treatment such as a crown. Center for Adult Dental Care is committed to providing the most effective treatments for each patient in the most conservative and cost-effective manner. Contact us today to learn whether or not you’re a candidate for a dental inlay or onlay in Burlington.


Burlington Center Dental Associates
30 Chestnut Ave, 2nd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-725-6501
Fax: 781-272-0873

Office Hours

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