What Is A Sinus Lift And Should I Be Worried If I Need One?

he procedure you may never have thought about as part of dental implant therapy is a sinus lift. We would like to provide you information about this medical surgery to make sure you understand the treatment comprehensively and are also aware of any threats you could face.

We are providing some of the most frequently asked questions along with answers related to sinus lifts.

Why Would You Need A Sinus Lift

If you are slated for a dental implant the success of the procedure will depend on the quality of the bone in your mouth. The dental implant needs to be inserted into the bone and if you have insufficient bone the stability needed will not be achieved. In such cases, the surgery for the dental implant will fail.

The most difficult area to place a dental implant is in the upper back jaw. This is due to the insufficient volume of the bone and density along with the proximity to the sinus area. Some patients may have insufficient bone because of periodontal disease or loss of teeth.

A sinus lift is an effective solution for this health problem. The sinus floor is raised during the surgery and soft tissue grafting of the bone is conducted to provide stability to the dental implant.

What Precisely Is A Sinus Lift?

Sinus accretion is a dental procedure whereby the oral surgeon affixes bone to the top jaw in the vicinity of the molars and premolars. Synthetic material or bone is appended connecting your jaw and maxillary sinuses which are located on each side of your nose. For making extra space for the new bone the sinus layer has to be elevated.

Who Conducts This Procedure?

A dental specialist will be conducting this dental procedure. The specialist would either be a periodontist or an oral or maxillofacial surgeon. As a candidate for dental implants, you can rest assured that the procedure will be handled by qualified professionals that will be looking forward to conducting the procedure appropriately.

How Does This Treatment Appear?

You will be required to have several scans such as x-rays and CT scans before the surgery during the initial stages to allow your dentist to understand your anatomy and also to verify the health issue you have. The dentist needs to view the height and width of the bone.

Different types of materials will be used for the sinus lift. Bones from your body or a donor or even cows may be used during the procedure. If the bone is taken from your body you may need to have additional surgery.

The surgeon will cut the gum tissues during the procedure from the area where your back teeth were located. Thereafter a tiny oval window will be opened in the bone. The membrane lining the sinus will be tenderly forced up and away from your jaw. Granules of the bone graft materials will be put in the place of the sinus and the quantity of bone used will differ from patient to patient. The tissue will be closed with sutures after the bone is placed in the area.

What Can You Expect After The Surgery?

Some patients have reported swelling in the area after the procedure. They also experienced bleeding from the mouth or nose. The bleeding from the mouth could be as a result of the sinus lift surgery or even bruxism which the patient could be suffering from. He or she could be grinding their teeth and also clenching them at a time when they should be exercising all the care to prevent any such incidences. During the recovery, most patients suffer from some discomfort. Your dentist will prescribe medications for preventing congestion and inflammation. However, there is no cause for worry because the procedure will be conducted by professional surgeons that have plenty of experience.

When Will The Implants Be Inserted After the Surgery?

Dental surgeons will allow time for the surgery to heal completely before scheduling the procedure for the implant. Therefore you may be required to wait patiently for the wound to heal before getting the implants you want to improve your appearance and smile. You can, however, rest assured that the time will not be far away when the dental surgeon will call you for the other procedures for which the sinus lift was initially conducted.

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